Our story

Since 1990, we have been helping fund businesses and individuals in the UK fashion and textile industry to develop their skills and training.

Formerly known as the Clothing and Allied Products Industry Training Board, the CapitB charity was established in 1990 following the end of the Government sponsored Industry Training Boards. The charity was endowed with the residual monies left from the training board.

Since then, our goal has been to continue supporting skills development in the UK fashion and textile industry. Each year, we have supported projects that have enhanced skills within our sector.

Our values

Several Trustees volunteer their efforts to run CapitB. Their work includes assessing the continual flow of applications made via emails. All Trustees play an equal part and come together to decide on which applications are successful.

The culture of the charity is democratic, as Trustees can openly voice their opinion on any application.

Trustees meet four times a year and work in an open and considerate manner to continue supporting the UK fashion and textile industry.